Friday, 23 January 2009


Yesterday must remain an impossibility, not
that it seemed like it at the time, but trust me
on this one, no large hadron collider smashing

together particles can change that. It's a life
time ago, it's time to let it go and live life
before it is taken from you with a smile

and a shake of hand. The muttered congratulatory
words that fall on deaf ears, you know the truth
of how you spent your time. Wanking and drinking

mostly and from a young age too, dirty bastard. At least
you knocked that on the head early on and tried
to mend your broken, shit filled path with

pavestones bought at great expense from the
quarry of man. Why go back anyway, it's boring
and filled with loneliness and longing, why?

can't you remember? she left you for another,
fed up with your childish ways and moved
in with her bi sexual mate, who you tried it

on with, you daft bastard. Both consigned
to the rubbish heap of history and you with
sticky palms and greasy grin. Twat.

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